
Hi. I'm Jason Zimdars a web designer in Oklahoma City, OK and this is my website.

Podcasting 101

I wrote a little article about podcasting on the Element Fusion blog. Normally, I’d cross-post something like this, but this one is just not something that belongs here at Thinkcage as I am never, ever going to podcast. I’m just not one of those who is gifted with the kind of pipes that anyone would want to listen to. Heck it is bad enough that you have to read my rambling — I can’t imagine having to listen.

That said, this one was written as a overview for those who are new to podcasting. We’re getting tons of questions from our customers who have heard the buzzword but don’t know much else. Especially from churches who are very keen to offer audio versions of their weekly sermons; podcasting is a perfect delivery mechanism for that. Maybe this is a link you can pass to your clients to help them along.

Check it out, Podcasting 101.

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